Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Midweek Ramblings + Purchases

CF-SLP: My first SLP job has officially started! Monday was our first day and while it's overwhelming I think it's going well! I have a great team and they've been a huge help. The kiddos come back tomorrow, but I won't start providing therapy until late next week. The rest of this week will be spent decorating my therapy room (pictured above) and hopefully figuring out my schedule. Keep your fingers crossed that I'll get my work laptop & iPad ASAP as that's making things a bit difficult!
Apartment: Aside for waiting on one piece of furniture and decorating we're all unpacked and settled in the apartment! What a relief! That doesn't mean we're completely organized yet, but we're getting there. I'll share some pictures soon :) I can't tell you how awesome it is being on our own, for first time in 3 years!, even if it's in a semi-cramped apartment.
MI Weather: The insane heat and humidity has finally broke, which means the weather has been gorgeous this week! Duke has finally been able to go for walks again and loved all the attention he got at the trail today. I'm still not quite ready for fall though...

With August being my birthday month, moving month, and the month that I started a new job I've done quite a bit of shopping! A few favorites have been..
Tieks: As a "congrats on your first big girl job" I bought myself a pair of Tieks! I'm obsessed with them and now I want to buy multiple pairs, especially the Fuchsia ones ;)
Planners: I've always been a paper planner girl and have used Erin Condren planners for over 5 years now so it shouldn't be a surprise that I purchased a teacher planner now that I'm a school-based SLP! I figured I mine-as-well purchase my personal 2017 planner while I was at it. Those are the two designs I went with and I can't wait to receive them!

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