Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Midweek Rambling + Recent Purchases

People don't take trips, trips take people. - John Steinbeck
Podcasts: I'm hooked on Podcasts again. It all started with S-Town, which I finished in two days. If you haven't listened yet, download it now! This American Life is just so damn good. Now I'm hooked on Casefile, which was recommended by one of Thomas' Army buddies. It's a Podcast channel that publishes true crime stories.
Spring Weather: I cannot get enough of the weather in Michigan right now. The sunshine makes me smile every single day. I am ready for summer.
House Hunting: T and I have been house hunting unofficially for a couple of months now, but we've recently kicked it into high gear. Man is it stressful! Our lease at the apartment ends at the beginning of July, but at this rate we might have to sign an extension.
13 Reasons Why: Just like everyone else that you know, I've spent a good chunk of my evenings binge watching 13 Reasons Why. I've since finished it and it was really eye opening to me. I'd highly suggest watching it unless suicide is a trigger/stressor for you.

My one souvenir from NYC was this phone case from a bookstore in the Chelsea Market. A little lame that all I bought for myself was a phone case, but I love it! Now I want that same print in a camera strap. How adorable is that?!
I finally caved and purchased the T3 Only Whirl during the Ulta Platinum sale at 20% off. I've debated getting it for years now and decided to finally bite the bullet. I love my T3 hair dryer and straightener so I have high hopes for it. Now I just need to teach myself how to use it..
I've purchased quite a bit of new clothing pieces that were on the shopping list from the Spring Challenge by Audrey at Putting Me Together. My favorite items being; lace shirt, AG Farrah jeans, olive jeans, and white jeans.

Happy hump day! It's almost Friday :)


  1. THIS AMERICAN LIFE is where it's at ;) I've also been listening to My Favorite Murder. I know it sounds crazy, but it's actually really entertaining. It's a true crime show and although it's a dark topic, the hosts keep it super light. Well, as light as you can keep murder.

    There are two more that are on my regular rotation - How I Built This and Stuff You Missed in History Class. They talk to founders of successful companies (things like Air B&B, Southwest Airlines, Clif Bars) on How I Built This and get their story. The guests are usually super entertaining and the stories always surprise me. Stuff You Missed covers all sorts of interesting topics. My favorite recent one was about Genghis Khan's kickass great granddaughter. You'll learn all sorts of interesting stuff. There is also a spin off about food history that just started that's called FoodStuff. That's pretty interesting too. Okay, I'm done with this super long comment. I just love podcasts lol

    Midwest Darling

    1. I'll have to check out My Favorite Murder! I also have Up and Vanished on my list to check out as well :)
