It's been over six months since my wedding and I'm just getting around
to recapping it! I figured I'd start from the beginning and then post
one event/topic every Wednesday.
So let's head back ALL the way to the beginning ;) T and I have been
together since November 13, 2006. He left for Army basic training on
July 7, 2009. The first phone call I got from him was two days later and
at the end he said something along the lines of "What do you think
about getting married?" to which I responded "Are you kidding me?!
Where'd this come from?!" It was the first time marriage had been
brought up and to be honest it scared the living sh*t out of me! He went
on to explain that he realized who/what was important to him in the
first 48hrs he was cut off from the world. I told him that we'd talk
about it another time (which happened to be through letters that I still
have!) and we'd see how things went while he was away.
Fast forward to his leave time between graduating from basic training
and moving to his duty station (Ft. Polk, LA) I assumed a proposal was
coming (because we had already talked about it- so no it wasn't a
complete surprise) it was just a matter of when. One day when I happened
to be off work we decided to go to a nearby lake that we always went to
and have a picnic. We found a secluded section, ate the yummy food, and
then T said "Hey why don't we stand up and take a picture" so while we
were doing that he got down on one knee.

Newburgh Lake October 28, 2009
Before (I really wish I wore a different outfit and did my hair...)
After (definitely needed to be resized & I wish I did my nails...)
After the picnic was over we headed back home, packed our bags, and headed to
Bavarian Inn in Frankenmuth, MI. It was perfect to me and such a great memory to look back on.
On the drive to Frankenmuth
One of my favorite pictures of us
& a better picture of the ring!
I am so lucky :)